Don’t let cancer get in the way of living – Durga Gopal lives a full life with a smile as a stage 4 patient
My name is Durga Gopal. I am a stage 4 Cancer patient stationed in Hyderabad. I have been asked to give a brief account of my journey through Cancer. In …
An open letter to My Breast Cancer: Lori Rees, Survivor
Dear Cancer, I am writing today because I feel like I haven’t told you how I feel about having had you in my life, and I hate to leave any …
Story of Hirabai, Survivor
Our Impact – Giving hope Today, let me narrate a true story: Hirabai, a 65 years old woman lives in Pratiksha Nagar, a low income township in Sion Koliwada area …

Lessons for a Lifetime by Georgia Herod, Survivor
As I slid into the driver’s seat, her words echoed in my ears—“Don’t come back.” I had responded with surprise, but as the car door closed, the significance of those …
Dr. Sampada Peshwe, Survivor
by Dr.Sampada Peshwe “Kishori Aunty is no more” are words that still ring in my ears. I was only 11 years old then. My beloved aunt had been ailing with …

Nurturing Hope by Diane Kulkarni, Survivor
Diane Kulkarni 2595 So. 1200 West Perry City, Utah U.S.A. [email protected] “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can …